Computer Virus Removal

Computer Virus Removal

Did your computer slow down? Do you see strange pop-up windows or unwanted ads? Your computer is most likely infected with spyware or viruses.
Our Experienced Glacier Geek Technicians have the tools and expertise to get rid of viruses.

Virus and Spyware Removal

Here’s how we solve your problem and how to get rid of viruses, spyware or malware.

Why choose Glacier Geeks?

Step #1

Glacier Geeks will scan for any viruses and spyware, and will diagnose all operating system problems.

Step #2

If an infection has been detected, we will get rid of the viruses and spyware. Also. we detect and fix all operating system issues, including blue screens and start-up errors.

Step #3

Our technicians will recommend and educate you on all solutions to prevent any future infections and will install all critical updates to your software and operating system.

You can reach us 24/7 to help with any computer problems.

Our help is available no matter where you bought your computer.

Our Technicians have experience with every type of computer or device including all operating systems.

Computer Viruses and Spyware

Difference between spyware and a virus?

Viruses and spyware are two of the biggest threats to a successful online business.

Both malware and viruses are considered malicious software. Both of them can major disruptions to your computer and steal your valuable information.

A virus wants to infect your computer and spread throughout other files. Viruses are sometimes created just to cause a lot of damage, but they often have more devious goals in mind.

These viruses can send out spam emails or social media posts in an entrepreneur’s name that contain links that can lead others to a shady website or rip them off by using software that infiltrates their computers without their consent. They end up stealing personal information from you or your business.

Spyware is often a huge issue for home computers. It’s not necessarily concerned with killing your machine and it would rather like to burrow itself within the system so that it can stay there and track your use or get you to go to specific websites through pop-up ads.

Another malware attack is ransomware – an insidious cyberattack that locks you out of your files and computer until you pay someone to unlock it for you.


Can Glacier Geeks assist me with viruses and spyware infections? What about ransomware?

Glacier Geek technicians, not only posse a range of experience, but also the tools to return your computer and data files swiftly to their original position. They are able and ready to get rid of any virus or spyware.

They can timely diagnose whether other issues with your computer are causing the problems, including hardware issues.

To tackle ransomware, Glacier Geeks can restore your system to a previous point in time. But, with very advanced ransomware, wiping out your hard drive completely will be the only option. For this reason, you should regularly back up important files because data can be erased while dealing with ransomware.


What is the way your computer gets infected with viruses or spyware?

The most common way you get infected is when you accidentally install or download infected software or infected pirated software/movies/music. Also, you can get infected via links and attachments in emails. Another common way is when you click on random pop-up windows inviting you to click here.


Tips and Suggestions to avoid getting infected with virus or spyware

The primary key is to develop intelligent internet habits. Never click on social media links, email or attachments that seem suspicious or too good to believe. Strange emails from friends or social media posts should never be clicked on.

Beware of emails coming from famous brands or companies because these are usually disguised that way to trick users to open them. Emails with bad grammar/spelling or enhanced alert speech should never be opened. Even if an email looks legit but you see these things then stay away from these emails. Of course anonymous email address should be avoided. If you want to see if the email is real, you can contact the company by their official website or phone number and ask them if they sent email is from them.

Very common in the internet world is to download pirated software, music, or movies but remember you are exposing your computer to massive virus and spyware attacks. Ignore suspicious request asking for your computer access. Without contacting you formally, a legit company will never ask to access your computer.

Can I know if my computer is infected with a virus or spyware?

Having antivirus software will lead you to think you don’t have a virus. Most viruses embed deeply in your computer. If a virus is sending out SPAM messages using your name, then only your friends can notify you of what is going on. Other types of viruses slow or disrupt your computer’s speed and performance and can also lock you out of accessing your valuable files.

Signs of spyware infection include an increase in unwanted pop-ups even when you don’t have internet connection. You will notice your settings are changed and you can’t change them back or you might see new extensions in your browser you never installed or downloaded. Just like with viruses, you may experience slow computer performance as well as error pages and sudden crashes.

Please download the best antivirus and spyware software available and keep them constantly updated to avoid all kinds of infections. These software will automatically alert you when it detects or quarantines a dangerous file, website, or software. Also, remember to run weekly scans of your computer to keep it healthy. You can schedule scans from these software.

Could my computer problem not be related to viruses or spyware?

Yes, Hardware issues could be causing problems similar to an infection. Slow computer performance, boot up and shut down issues, system crashes, errors, etc. While Glacier Geeks technicians run the diagnostic process, they will isolate the real cause of your problem to make sure your computer is back to normal.